Recap VIRTIGATION Euro-Mediterranean

Recap of VIRTIGATION participation at the Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Marketplace 2024

On the 3rd of October, VIRTIGATION presented its high-potential results at the Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Marketplace 2024 in Cairo.

The first event of its kind for the Mediterranean region

The Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Marketplace 2024 gathered more than 100 key EU and Mediterranean stakeholders in the dynamic Egyptian capital. This included innovators and researchers, policymakers, industry leaders and entrepreneurs. Organized by the European Commission (EC) and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), this crucial event was the first of its kind for the region.

Signe Ratso, EC Deputy Director-General at the DG Research & Innovation, underlined in her opening speech that the Mediterranean has become a highly important area for the future of the EU. This is notably evidenced by the nomination of a Commissioner for the Mediterranean in the new EU Commission. Signe-Ratso also highlighted that the projects selected to participate in the Marketplace are among the most promising to create market-ready products. Thus, Signe-Ratso stressed the importance of this event to ensure that the initiatives led by the projects can further grow and succeed.

R&I innovation in climate change, health & renewables

The invited project representatives could then showcase their promising research and innovation (R&I) initiatives funded through various EU programmes (Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, PRIMA). Three key sectors were in focus: climate change, health and renewable energy. Moreover, they could explore collaboration opportunities with participating regional stakeholders to better take their created products to the market. In addition to this, the Marketplace also discussed challenges in upscaling R&I efforts in the region, especially in North Africa.

Recap VIRTIGATION Euro-Mediterranean

VIRTIGATION presents its latest results to stakeholders

VIRTIGATION coordinator Prof. Hervé Vanderschuren from KU Leuven pitched the latest project results to stakeholders. In his presentation, Vanderschuren focused especially on the promising biopesticide formulations for whitefly control and ToBRFV sanitation protocols coming from the project. Furthermore, he outlined project advances in better understanding the impact of climate change on ToLCNDV and its insect vector, the Bemisia tabaci whitefly. Vanderschuren concluded his presentation with an in-depth overview of VIRTIGATION and its upcoming high-potential, scalable results.

VIRTIGATION booth at the Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Marketplace 2024

VIRTIGATION communication lead RTDS Association further represented the project with an exhibition booth at the Marketplace. The VIRTIGATION booth showcased key project materials, including the flyer, the roll-up banner and the first results leaflet. The VIRTIGATION responsible for project communication, David Donnerer from RTDS Association, informed stakeholders attending the Marketplace about recent progress made in the project. He also outlined the next steps for VIRTIGATION for the remaining year of its duration.

VIRTIGATION booth Innovation Marketplace

All photos © 2024 RTDS Association