Our partners
Coordinator: KU LEUVEN
KU Leuven is coordinating the VIRTIGATION project and leading the research focus on viral genome sequencing and monitor virus outbreaks. KU Leuven is also responsible for consortium coordination and project management, as well as ensuring compliance with ethics requirements.
DCM CORP is leading the research focus on integrated virus and vector management and is also coordinating the project's field tests for Integrated Pest Management (IPM). DCM's own research activities in the project are centered around the Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) and cross-protection.
TECNOVA is leading the multi-actor approach, to foster the link and co-creation between all stakeholders and partners and obtain common benefits as concerns emerging viral diseases in tomatoes and cucurbits. TECNOVA's scientists will also contribute to new strategies for whitefly control and disinfection of substrates.
LIST researchers are involved in the research focus on the spread of emerging viral diseases under climate change, where they are using their climate chamber to simulate future climate conditions to get a holistic understanding of the plant-virus-vector interactions.
Natural Resources Institute: NRI-UoG
NRI-UoG is leading the research focus on the spread of emerging viral diseases under climate change, and carrying out research to identify resistance to Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) in tomatoes and cucurbits, and resistance to whiteflies in cucurbits.
CISC is contributing in particular to the research on plant-virus-vector interactions and the spread of emerging viral diseases under climate change, where it is bringing in its profound experience on molecular epidemiology of begomoviruses and associated DNA satellites.
CRAG is involved in the research on the spread of emerging viral diseases under climate change and integrated virus and vector management, through the assessment of strategies for virus control, the study of mixed viral infections and the role of insect vectors in virus transmission.
University of Catania - UNICT
UNICT is mainly contributing to the project’s multi-actor-approach, as well as the research on plant-virus-vector interactions and integrated virus and vector management. UNICT is also responsible for establishing national networks and engaging in the multi-actor approach in Italy.
Wageningen University - WU
WU is contributing to the research on plant-virus-vector interactions and the spread of emerging viral diseases under climate change, with the focus on tomato-geminivirus-whitefly interaction, and to find tomato genes for resistance to the Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV).
Stichting Wageningen Research - WR
WR’s departments of Plant Breeding and Biointeractions & Plant Health are contributing to all work packages of the project's research plan, with a particular focus on virus epidemiology and ecology, as well as virus and vector control through breeding and Integrated Pest Management (IPM). WR is also the National Knowledge Broker for the Netherlands in the project's multi-actor approach.
INRAE is involved in the research on viral genome sequencing and monitor virus outbreaks, plant-virus-vector interactions and the spread of emerging viral diseases under climate change. INRAE is also the National Knowledge Broker for France in the project’s multi-actor approach.
Genome Detective, a software as a service product of Emweb, is a bioinformatics platform to analyze, store and visualize metagenomic sequenced data (including plant viruses) for the purpose of diagnostics and epidemiology. Genome Detective is fast, accurate and easy to use, and does not require prior bioinformatics background. Emweb supports the analysis of new sequencing protocols and epidemiological research within VIRTIGATION.
Volcani Center - VC
VC is leading the research focus on plant-virus-vector interactions, where it is providing insights into mechanisms involved in tomato plant-pathogen molecular interactions and development of genomic resistance, with a focus on the whitefly-transmitted Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), and the seed-borne ToBRFV.
Proefcentrum Hoogstraten - PCH
PCH is mainly contributing to the research focus on integrated virus and vector management, where it is involved in the design and execution of monitoring strategies, training sessions and workshops, and is also testing new IPM strategies under field conditions. PCH is also the National Knowledge Broker for Belgium in the project's multi-actor approach.
APREL is contributing to the research focus on integrated virus and vector management, where it is acting as the key link between different stakeholders to evaluate, manage and transfer promising strategies against whiteflies and viruses. APREL is also studying IPM strategies against whiteflies in field and greenhouse conditions.
Julius Kühn-Institut: JKI
JKI is mainly involved in the research on plant-virus-vector interactions and integrated virus and vector management, where it is exploring viral symptom determinants of ToBRFV to support the search for virus isolates that could be used in cross-protection strategies. JKI is also the National Knowledge Broker for Germany in the project’s multi-actor-approach.
Syngenta France SAS - SYN
SYN is contributing to the research on integrated virus and vector management, where it is mainly involved in the assessment of resistance-based strategies to control plant viruses and vectors.
Scientia Terrae
Scientia Terrae is involved in the research on the spread of emerging viral diseases under climate change and integrated virus and vector management. Scientia Terrae is mainly contributing on the ToBRFV-tomato research part of the project, where it is working on the development of a cross-protection strategy for ToBRFV and integrated virus management.
HuertaValleHibri2 - HVH2
HVH2 is mainly involved in the research focus on integrated virus and vector management. HVH2 is bringing in its unique intermediate position between seed companies and growers, to improve feedback between production and research level and also boost knowledge sharing and transfer.
AGAPA is mainly involved in the project’s multi-actor-approach, where it is the National Knowledge Broker for Spain. AGAPA is also contributing to the standardization and certification activities in dissemination, exploitation and communication.
LNW is mainly involved in the research focus on integrated virus and vector management, where it is especially contributing with its expertise on optimizing eradication methods after ToBRFV-outbreaks.
STE Maraissa SA
More information coming soon
RTDS is leading dissemination, exploitation and communication, and is further involved in consortium coordination and project management, where it is leading the data management and innovation management activities.
Corteva Agriscience™, in close collaboration with UNICT, is mainly involved in the research focus on integrated virus and vector management, where it is carrying out field trials to identify the best spray programs to control the whitefly Bemisia tabaci in fruiting vegetables.
International Partner: UASB
UASB - University of Agricultural Sciences Bengaluru (India) -, is involved in VIRTIGATION as an international partner. UASB is contributing to the management of the viral disease caused by ToLCNDV and its whitefly vector under lab and field conditions, by using a combination of natural and other environmentally friendly molecules and genetic resistance.
Coordinator: KU LEUVEN
KU Leuven is coordinating the VIRTIGATION project and leading the research focus on viral genome sequencing and monitor virus outbreaks. It is also responsible for consortium coordination and project management, as well as ensuring compliance with ethics requirements.
DCM CORP is leading the research focus on integrated virus and vector management and is also coordinating the project's field tests for Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
TECNOVA is leading the project’s multi-actor approach, with the aim to link and join all stakeholders and National Knowledge Brokers to maximize knowledge exchange as concerns emerging viral diseases in tomatoes and cucurbits.
LIST researchers are involved in the research focus on the spread of emerging viral diseases under climate change, where they are using their climate chamber to simulate future climate conditions to get a holistic understanding of the plant-virus-vector interactions.
Natural Resources Institute: NRI-UoG
NRI-UoG is leading the research focus on the spread of emerging viral diseases under climate change, and carrying out research to identify resistance to Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) in tomatoes and cucurbits, and resistance to whiteflies in cucurbits.
CISC is contributing in particular to the research on plant-virus-vector interactions and the spread of emerging viral diseases under climate change, where it is bringing in its profound experience on molecular epidemiology of begomoviruses and associated DNA satellites.
CRAG is involved in the research on the spread of emerging viral diseases under climate change and integrated virus and vector management, through the assessment of strategies for virus control, the study of mixed viral infections and the role of insect vectors in virus transmission.
University of Catania - UNICT
UNICT is mainly contributing to the project’s multi-actor-approach, as well as the research on plant-virus-vector interactions and integrated virus and vector management. It is also responsible for establishing national networks and engaging in the multi-actor approach in Italy.
Wageningen University - WU
WU is contributing to the research on plant-virus-vector interactions and the spread of emerging viral diseases under climate change, to find tomato genes for resistance to the tobamovirus Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV). It is also the National Knowledge Broker for the Netherlands in the project’s multi-actor approach.
Stichting Wageningen Research - WR
WR’s departments of plant breeding and biointeractions & plant health are contributing to all elements of the project's research plan, with a particular focus on virus epidemiology and ecology, as well as virus and vector control through breeding and Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
INRAE is involved in the research on viral genome sequencing and monitor virus outbreaks, plant-virus-vector interactions and the spread of emerging viral diseases under climate change. It is also the National Knowledge Broker for France in the project’s multi-actor approach.
EMWEB is using and expanding its Genome Detective platform in the research focus on viral genome sequencing and monitor virus outbreaks to store, share and analyze sequence data generated related to plant viruses, including support for new sequencing protocols and techniques developed within VIRTIGATION.
Volcani Center - VC
VC is leading the research focus on plant-virus-vector interactions, where it is providing insights into mechanisms involved in tomato plant-pathogen molecular interactions and development of genomic resistance, with a focus on the whitefly-transmitted Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), and the seed-borne ToBRFV.
Proefcentrum Hoogstraten - PCH
PCH is mainly contributing to the research focus on integrated virus and vector management, where it is involved in the design and execution of monitoring strategies, training sessions and workshops. It is also testing new IPM strategies under field conditions. PCH is also the National Knowledge Broker for Belgium in the project's multi-actor approach.
APREL is contributing to the research focus on integrated virus and vector management, where it is investigating different ways to protect plants from tobamovirus infections, including by conducting tests for agronomical evaluation in the field of resistant tomatoes against ToBRFV. It is also studying IPM strategies against whiteflies in field and greenhouse conditions.
Julius Kühn-Institut: JKI
JKI is mainly involved in the research on plant-virus-vector interactions and integrated virus and vector management, where it is exploring viral symptom determinants of ToBRFV to support the search for virus isolates that could be used in cross-protection strategies. It is also the National Knowledge Broker for Germany in the project’s multi-actor-approach.
Syngenta France SAS - SYN
SYN is contributing to the research on integrated virus and vector management, where it is mainly involved in the assessment of resistance-based strategies to control plant viruses and vectors.
Scientia Terrae
Scientia Terrae is involved in the research on the spread of emerging viral diseases under climate change and integrated virus and vector management. It is mainly contributing on the ToBRFV-tomato research part of the project, where it is working on the development of a cross-protection strategy for ToBRFV and integrated virus management.
HuertaValleHibri2 - HVH2
HVH2 is mainly involved in the research focus on integrated virus and vector management. It is bringing in its unique intermediate position between seed companies and growers, to improve feedback between production and research level and also boost knowledge sharing and transfer.
AGAPA is mainly involved in the project’s multi-actor-approach, where it is the National Knowledge Broker for Spain. It is also contributing to the standardization and certification activities in dissemination, exploitation and communication.
LNW is mainly involved in the research focus on integrated virus and vector management, where it is especially contributing with its expertise on optimizing eradication methods after ToBRFV-outbreaks.
STE Maraissa SA
More information coming soon
RTDS is leading dissemination, exploitation and communication, and is further involved in consortium coordination and project management, where it is leading the data management and innovation management activities.
Corteva Agriscience™, in close collaboration with UNICT, is mainly involved in the research focus on integrated virus and vector management, where it is carrying out field trials to identify the best spray programs to control the whitefly Bemisia tabaci in fruiting vegetables.
International Partner: UASB
UASB - University of Agricultural Sciences Bengaluru (India) -, is involved in VIRTIGATION as an international partner. It is contributing to the management of the viral disease caused by ToLCNDV and its whitefly vector under lab and field conditions, by using a combination of natural and other environmentally friendly molecules and genetic resistance.