novel plant pathogen detection methods

New training manual on how to use novel plant pathogen detection methods

VIRTIGATION partners UASB and NRI-UoG have developed a new hands-on training manual on how to use novel plant pathogen detection methods.

Comprehensive guidance for incoming plant scientists

This new manual developed by VIRTIGATION scientists serves especially as comprehensive guidance for incoming plant scientists. It covers a variety of key topics in the field. This includes seed health testing, methods for detecting seed-borne pathogens, genomic DNA extraction methods, RNA isolation, DNA synthesis, (q)PCR testing, the application of nanotechnology for diagnosis of viral pathogens, and the use of Sanger sequencing

Click on the picture below to access the new hands-on VIRTIGATION training manual.

More questions on how to use novel plant pathogen detection methods? Please feel free to contact VIRTIGATION experts on this topic at